"As I reflect on the legacy I desire to leave behind, I expect that once my time here on this planet has expired, I will have led with my own example and served in a manner to further equitable opportunity access on a purely "skill and will" basis for generations to come by 1) significantly pushing forward the conversations on community-based solutions on equitiable opportunity access and economic development for underrepresented and undercompensated African Diaspora and women talent/professionals, 2) applied my many gifts (incl. communications, creative problem-solving, strategic development, business development, sales and performing arts) to create sustainable solutions for engagement and revenue growth for organizations I believe in so that they can continue resourcefully expanding their impact for centuries to come, and 3) left the world a better place by educating, empowering and esteeming the backbone of society: current and future generations of women."

- Shatoyia Jones

international women's advocate, wealth education consultant, business development, equitable opportunity access & poverty reduction specialist

About Shatoyia Jones: Legacy & Gallery

Disciple / Public Figure / Mentor / Author / Speaker / Philanthropist / Chakacha Performance Artist

Hey ya'll! I am Shatoyia Jones, aka queen of self-mastery, a multi-award-winning international women's advocate, social entrepreneur, wealth education consultant, business growth specialist, equitable opportunity access/workforce development/poverty reduction specialist and 2x pageant queen with 20+ years of experience. 
My love for connecting people with life transforming products, services and resources to improve their quality of life is infinite. My experience in being able to transform the lives of others while contributing to to the significant growth (community, revenue and impact) of organizations of various sizes whose mission and vision I believe in, like yours, is extensive with 20+ years of operations & project management, creative directorship, strategic development and growth, marketing and sales experience and hundreds of corporate, small business, non-profit and grassroots organizations in my portfolio and a combined total of $100M+ in revenue within the last 5 years.

Fun Facts About Me: 

I am a Louisiana native born and raised. I live in New England and have lived there for about a decade now. I play violin, African hand drums and (very) beginner piano.  My newest hobbies are pilates, archery and cold-press juice making. I speak 3 languages and am studying Haitian Creole / Louisiana Creole. I don’t look like what I have been through and overcome. I designed my Africa-inspired evening gown. I have my own “Smithsonian” evening gown that has seen me through 3 major events in my life. I play violin and beginner piano. I have lived and. worked internationally. I have written a book and am currently in the process of launching my feminine refinement book series, as well as my global 5 Stage Poverty Reduction Framework. In addition to my women’s empowerment work, I am a wealth education and poverty reduction specialist.

"Diversity is the representation of a variety of audiences in culture, features, perspectives and beliefs. Inclusion is the creation of a space where each individual is not only represented in being asked to sit at the table but also to be invited to influence the conversations, decisions made and opportunities to be had and received."

- Shatoyia Jones

international women's advocate, wealth education consultant, equitable opportunity access & poverty reduction specialist

Performance Artist: Chakacha, African, Latin Dance

Most live entertainers provide a generic, predictable experience, but I am known to leave guests with a truly uniquely memorable experience. My performance is more than just entertainment; it is a joyful celebration of feminine life energy, and an invitation to join in the celebration.

What You Can Expect from My Performances or Classes: I provide a mysterious, mesmerizing beauty and entertainment experience. I bring a balance of mystical beauty, elegance and spice to any event, being sophisticated yet sensual and often performing in stunning costumes. I provide elegant & family - friendly entertainment for everyone in attendance. I bring bring instant excitement & cultural richness.

With a performance (or class) bringing beauty, movement, dance and music to your event, you are rest assured to associate your business / organization with an unforgettable experience that leaves your guests desiring to visit again for more, while establishing your community as a must-stop destination for top-tier entertainment, amongst other services you provide.  I perform and host women events, inspirational events, corporate functions, artist nights, galas, charities and more introducing a family-friendly, uniquely mesmerizing & spiritual entertaining and healing experience that inspires an increased appreciation for women

Bonus Health benefits: Tone muscle / Improve posture / relieve back and joint pains / lose weight / aid in preparation for childbirth / relaxing form of meditation and physical movement / low impact workout for all ages / relieve menstrual pain & PMS...and so much more!

Wealth Education Consultant, Equitable Opportunity Access & Poverty Reduction Specialist, Founder of First Generation Wealth Builders

What are the frameworks to create more equitable opportunities for socio-economic advancement and a higher quality of life for underserved and under-resourced communities? What is the solution to national poverty eradication?

As a wealth education consultant, equitable opportunity access and poverty reduction specialist and thought leader, I specialize in offering community-based solutions and holistic equitable frameworks for organizations and relevant stakeholders that desire to create and implement workforce development & readiness training with the inclusion of wealth education as a pathway to sustainable local, regional and national poverty reduction. 

I have also published my 5 Stages to Building Wealth framework in a wealth building playbook for first and second generation wealth builders, as well as the organizations that desire to serve them.

Cacica (female chief ruler) of Kingdom Woman Finishing School

     Despite the increased opportunity for women to access more positions of leadership and influence, I find one astonishing common denominator that stagnates a woman’s ability to maximize every opportunity: superficially anchored confidence that is attached to something outside of themselves, which hinders their ability to show up for an opportunity they believe is outside of their reach, as well as the ability to advocate for themselves and their needs in environments that shame them for doing so. Hundreds of thousands of women later, I know without a doubt how it is not enough to empower women with more opportunities. A woman must also possess the confidence and a sense of self-worth that is unattached to the opportunity to be had to pursue them and the preparation in skills to maximize each opportunity presented to them.

     As Cacica of Kingdom Woman Finishing School of feminine refinement and self-mastery for women who holds various positions with women's organizations around the globe, I am commissioned to work with talented and ambitious women of all ages and stages of life who hold great positions of leadership and influence in society from the local community to homemaking to politics and government to the royal family and everything in between.

Professional, Volunteer & Service Work History

Disciple / Public Figure / Mentor / Author / Speaker / Philanthropist / Chakacha Performance Artist

Media & Press

Awards & Accolades - 2023 - 2024

2024 Awards, Accolades, Media & Press

2023 Awards, Accolades, Media & Press

Previous Year Awards, Honors and Accolades

Judge & Mentor, 2024 Diamond Entrepreneurship Challenge

Girlboss Scholarship Recipient 2020

Aussie Business Competition Grant Awardee & Scholarship Recipient

Top 20 Finalist Aussie Business Plan Competition

Ms. Massachusetts 2018 AWOS

Miss Black America Massachusetts 2018

Volunteer of the Year 2019 AWOS

Forté Rising Star 2017

Next Gen Summit Scholarship Recipient

Digital Undivided Award Recipient: Doonie Fund

AC Early Decision Scholar

Miss National Honor Society 2015

Violin I Orchestra Excellence Award - 2015

Presidential Scholar Award - 2015

Lady Lotus Book Club Scholarship Recipient - 2015

Rotary Service Award Recipient - 2015

Burger King Scholarship Recipient - 2015

Finalist: National Scripps Spelling Bee

Spotlight Mentor: Women Who Create

Digital UnDivided Scholarship Recipient

Doonie Fund Scholarship Recipient

Holyoke Media Grant Awardee - Podcamp

Watson Institute Scholar, 2019

Selection & Primary Nomination: Miss Spanish 2015

Selection & Primary Nomination: Miss Orchestra 2015

Invitation: Watson Institute Scholar

Invitation: Special Guest Harambe Seed Fund at Harvard Business

Invitation: MIT Innovation Venture Conference

Various other academic awards - 2001 - 2015

Additional Trainings & Certifications

XCEL Financial: In progress

Microsoft Office Specialist: Word - 2015

Microsoft Office Specialist: PwrPt - 2015

Microsoft Office Specialist: Excel - 2015

International Peer Support Specialist - 2015

Rock Climbing Belay Certification - Hadley MA - 2016?

Cooperative Office Education - 2015

APEX Career at Amherst College - 2017

TIPS Bartender - 2017

CFS: Course From Scratch - 2020?

BGM: Billy Gene Marketing - 2020?

Aussie Business Roo Crew Fellowship - 2020

Harvard x MIT EDX - Business Foundations - 2020

Verizon Small Business - 2022

Indeed Compentencies: 

Microsoft Office Specialist: Word - 2015

Microsoft Office Specialist: PwrPt - 2015

Microsoft Office Specialist: Excel - 2015

International Peer Support Specialist - 2015

Rock Climbing Belay Certification - Hadley MA - 2016?

Cooperative Office Education - 2015

APEX Career at Amherst College - 2017

TIPS Bartender - 2017

CFS: Course From Scratch - 2020?

BGM: Billy Gene Marketing - 2020?

Aussie Business Roo Crew Fellowship - 2020

Harvard x MIT EDX - Business Foundations - 2020

Xcel - 2023


Arts and Performance Resume

Arts & Performance


Improv Performer: Liturgical Dance {Mt. Pleasant Church, Carroll High School, Monroe, LA}

Choreographer and Dancer: Raqs Sharqi / Raqs Baladi2, Hip Hop, Line Dancing {Amherst Dance, Amherst, MA};

Choreographer: Hip Hop & Salsa Dancing {YMCA, Monroe, LA};

Kizomba Partner Dance {American Legion, Hadley, MA}

Singer and Violin Player {First Baptist Church Worship Team, Amherst, MA}


Guest Performer: Chakacha3 {Student Arts Museum: Student Arts Showcase, Amherst College, Amherst, MA}

Performer: Chakacha {International Study Abroad Event, Amherst College, Amherst, MA}

Performer and Choreographer: Burlesque {Amherst Dance, Amherst, MA}

Salsa solo and Bachata partner dance {Noche Latina, Mount Holyoke, Holyoke, MA


Heels, Feminine Empowerment Workshop{Amherst College, Amherst, MA}

Performer and Filmographer: Chakacha Bellydance and Argentine Tango {Sole Experience, Independent Film project}

Performer: Modern and Contemporary improvisation solo {Note to Self, Amherst College, Amherst, MA}

'Guest Performer: Kizomba partner dance {American Legion - Hadley, Amherst, MA}

Guest performer: Raqs Sharqi / Raqs Baladi {UMASS Annual Bellydance Festival, Amherst, MA}

Guest Performer: Bellydance {Arts at Amherst, Amherst, MA}

Resident Instructor: African Dance, Modern & Contemporary, Salsa, Bachata, Kizomba and Zumba Dance Fitness {Beyond El Campo, Guanacaste, Costa Rica; Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica)


“Marvelous Mentor” & House Manager: Musical Theater, Broadway and Jazz {US Performing Arts Camp

National Ambassador & Guest Performer: Raqs Sharqi / Raqs Baladi / Chakacha {International Women’s Day, Springfield,MA}

Organizer & Guest Performer: Raqs Sharqi / Raqs Baladi / Chakacha, Monson Cultural Picnic, Monson, MA

Founder, Owner & Instructor of Rubies Dance Academy, Springfield, MA, USA

Guest Dance Instructor: Salsa, Swing, Bellydance {Splash!, Amherst, MA; Northampton, MA, Boston, MA}


(2024) አፍሪካ ውስጥ ውበት እና ውበት: Celebrations of Africa {Martin Luther King Jr. Charter School of Excellence, MassCultural Council, Springfield, MA}; 

Beauty of Africa STARS Residency, {MassCultural Council, Springfield, MA}

Traditional African Dance, {Families Against Domestic Violence, Springfield, MA}

Performer: Chakacha Bellydance, {Artist Cafe, Springfield, MA}

Traditional African Dance, {Miss Black America, Kansas City, Missouri}

Abre Dance Therapy Fitness {Make It Springfield, Springfield, MA}

Admin Assistant {Conservatory of Music, Springfield, MA}

Performer: Chakacha {Miss America Org, Agawam, MA; Worcester, MA}

My specialities are: cultural authenticity, musicality, cultural and technical styling and improvisation.


Chakacha Workshop, Greater Springfield Midwifery


ArtsHub Profile | YouTube Video (Dance Variety) | Chakacha YouTube Video


I have been entrusted with the vision of small and large high-profile organizations from a variety of industries, from leadership and management to education (all levels, including EEC) to telecommunications, fintech and e-commerce to fashion and retail to food and hospitality to government and international diplomacy. I started my first business at 8, built and sold 3 businesses before the age of 22 and received my first leadership role of a national and international company as consultant at 23. The marketing types I have extensive experience in include: organic online (social media, organic traffic / paid ads, SEO and search optimization), offline business development (events, word-of-mouth, direct mail, cold/warm calling, lead prospecting, strategic partnerships).

As of 2024, I serve as multi-awardwinning international women's advocate and Cacica of Kingdom Woman Finishing School, 8x award-winning finishing school of self-mastery, divinity and feminine refinement, as well as world leader in feminine education, as well as Founder/Principal Wealth Education Consultant, [Racial] Equitable Opportunity Access and Poverty Reduction Specialist of First Generation Wealth BuildersI am the author of feminine refinement series, Vale Yon Fanm: Value of a Woman, American Rescue Plan award-winning wealth building and poverty reduction playbook 5 Stages to Building Wealth and You Are Your Greatest Asset, and former Vice President and Strategic Development: Communications, Growth (all Departments) of Women Helping Other Women Network in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Media Kit: Available Upon Request

Business Inquiries: helloshatoyia@gmail.com

Business, Entrepreneurship and Wealth Building

2023, Owner/Cacique of Kingdom Woman Finishing School

2022, Mentor / Speaker / Host / Sponsor: 2023 Harvard Women in Business IBC

2019, I-Invest National Youth Business Competition Mentor & Judge, I-Invest

Judge and Mentor, 2019 i.Invest Competition

Invitation: Special Guest Harambe Seed Fund at Harvard Business

Invitation: MIT Innovation Venture Conference


Communications / Media / Broadcasting / Marketing / Influencer & Branding / Public Relations / Writing / Model






Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Medium - Ordinary x Influence - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (2019-2021)

Media & Special Guest Improving Outcomes for Students Living in Poverty and Trauma, Collaborative for Educational Services

Media & Special Guest Business Fights Poverty NYC Conference - LINK

Media, Podcamp 2019

Media & Special Guest Power of Your Purse Awards

Media & Special Guest for Acceptance Granted: Crystal Grant, CRNA - LINK


Model, College Fashion Week (New York): Royalty Experience

Model, 2018 College Fashion Week (Boston)


Female Empowerment and Journalism, Her Campus


Faith Based Content, The Odyssesy - 2016


Editor in Chief, Founder / President, Beyond the Doors

Community Development & Programming



Development & Fundraising: Grantwriting

 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion




Founder / President, Spanish Club


Education / Education Reform / Workforce Development & Readiness / Wealth Education



Senior Administrative Assistant, Paulo Freire Social Justice Charter School (2022)


Founder / President, Spanish Club

Founder / President, Beyond the Doors


Faith Based Ministry

Singer and Violin Player: First Baptist Church Amerst, Worship Team

Finance / Asset Management / Development & Grant Writing


Health and Wellness (Mental, Physical, Spiritual)


Leadership, Boards, Mentorship & Management






Founder / President, Spanish Club

Founder / President, Beyond the Doors


Ministry, Volunteer and Philanthropy




Property Management, HR & Operations

Public Service and Government


Public Speaking


Guest, MIT Innovation Conference 2018

Guest Speaker 2021 - 9 to Survive: Sayge Women

Guest Speaker / ARHS Career Day: Life Coach, Entrepreneur Mentor Speaker

Guest, Harvard African Business Conference 2017; 2018

Guest Speaker & Special Guest Amherst Rotary

Guest, Speaker, Workshop Host - Building Wealth 101 Gasoline Alley - LINK

Speaker & Special Guest SpeakerSisterhood - Florence, MA

Guest, Speaker, Workshop Host - Equity & Inclusion - Passion, Identity, Esteem and Social Responsibility, Consortium for High Achieving Students of Color at Trinity College - LINK - LINK 2

Hostess and Speaker, The Art of Being a Woman - Self Image Workshop

Speaker, Love on Her Arms at AC - 

Hostess and Speaker, Faith, Religion, Spirituality Open Dialogue and Panel

Five College Networking Social Event and Party

Hostess, Speaker and Instructor Abre Dance Heels Feminine Empowerment Workshops

Hostess and Instructor Food Justice, Consumption and Waste Open Dialogue and Panel

Hostess and Instructor Rags and Rugs - Creative Sustainability Event

Hostess, Instructor and Facilitator I Love You (Finding Genuine Love & Receiving it)

Hostess, Instructor and Facilitator Five College Networking Social & Party

Creative Director, Designer, Hairstylist, Model and Model Coach Trash to Fashion: Five College Sustainability Fashion Show, Amherst College

Guest Speaker & Mentor: #BossTalks

Presenter & Workshop Host: Back to Basics - Fundamentals of Success in the Age of Social 

Speaker and Instructor Amherst Speak

Guest Speaker & Special Guest Body Positivity and Confidence Guest Speaker: Confidence 101: Love Yourself First - Girl Behind the Look

Guest Instructor: Splash! - Philosophy of Religion, Spanish Conversation, BellyDance, Entrepreneurship 101 (2015-2018)
Media & Special Guest Next Gen HQ 2019



Guest Speaker & Special Guest Amherst Rotary


Strategic Partnerships for Impact and Growth; Consulting




Women Empowerment



Business Inquiries: helloshatoyia@gmail.com



Speakers, Workshops - Ordinary x Influence (weebly.com)

Shatoyia Jones | Her Campus

Shatoyia Jones - National Ambassador - AFRI K QUE LIMITED | Business Profile | Apollo.io

Shatoyia Jones - Pageant Planet

shatoyia_jones_accolades2019_updated.pdf (weebly.com)

Shatoyia Jones - Founder / CEO / President - School of Joie | LinkedIn

Full Resume of Activities (2015-2018) - Google Docs - SJones13 DRIVE

BRIEF ACTIVITIES Extracurriculars LIST_2016.docx - Google Docs - SJones13 DRIVE


Northeastern Program for Teaching

Harvard Women in Business

Harvard Social Entrepreneur - WeSpeak

The Odyssey

Her Campus

SCORE WesternMass

i.Invest Competition

Girl Behind the Look

Next Gen Summit HQ

Pageant Planet


Collaborative for Educational Services

HEC Academy

Amherst College

Power of Your Purse

Gasoline Alley

Speaker Sisterhood

Whatever It Takes (WIT) Judge and Mentor

Amherst Rotary / Rotary Club

Harambe Seed Fund

Desiree Talley Law Group PLLC


Community Action

Academy Hill School - Springfield

CHAS at Trinity College

Make It Springfield

Valley Venture Mentors

Green Screen Studios

Women Who Create NYC

Holyoke Media

Podcamp WesternMass

Chicopee TV - public access

Focus TV - public access

The Hub

First Baptist Church Amherst

Sheraton Hotel


Clubs &Org Affiliations

Adventist Christians to Serve

Amherst Electronics Club at Amherst College

First Generation Association at AC

Amherst Dance


Archery Club at Amherst College

The Indicator

Amherst Speak

Love on Her Arms

Outing Club - Outdoors, Camping, etc.

Helping Hands

Professional & Social Memberships

Member, Association of Black Business Professionals (ABBP) - 2020 - PRESENT

Member, Make - It - Springfield - 2019 - 2020

Partner, Valley Venture Mentors - 2020 - 2022

Member, Billy Gene Marketing - 2020 - Present

Member, CFS: Course From Scratch - 2020 - Present

Co-Chair & Mentor: Strategic Development & Diversity / Equity / Inclusion SCORE WesternMass 

Mentor: Women Who Create NYC

La Case: Spanish House - 2017 or 2018?

Member, BECMA

Amherst, MA Scholar, Early Decision Scholarship Awardee

Member, HerCampus Trendsetters (2016-CURRENT)

WHOW Network

Key: * = Volunteer Work


2008 - 2014

Monroe, LA, Born to Be Unique Consulting

Monroe, LA, Mount Pleasant Baptist Church: Choir, Dance, Usher Board


Monroe, LA, Ad Face, Monroe School Board: Clarence Sharp Campaign

Monroe, LA, President, National Honor Society

Monroe, LA, Miss National Honor Society

Monroe, LA, President, Student Ambassadors

Monroe, LA, Co-Founder and VP, Adopt-a-Freshman

Monroe, LA, Founder Spanish Club

Monroe, LA, Founder / Creative Director / Editor in Chief, Beyond the Doors publication

Monroe, LA, Committee Member, Student Advisory Committee

Monroe, LA, Juvenile Court: Volunteer Peer Defense Lawyer, Juvenile System

Amherst, MA Scholar, Early Decision Scholarship Awardee

Amherst, MA, Choreographer and Dancer: Bellydance, Hip Hop, Country, Amherst Dance - Amherst College

Amherst, MA, Contributing Writer, Amherst College - The Indicator  S1 | S2 | S3

Amherst, MA, Contributing Writer, Amherst College - Her Campus 

Amherst, MA Club Member, Amherst Electronics Club

Amherst, MA Literacy Mentor, Reader to Reader

Amherst, MA Diversity Open House Student Host

Amherst, MA Mentor and Mental Health Presenter, Active Minds - Amherst College


Amherst, MA, Senior Editor, Her Campus Amherst

Amherst, MA, Communications Coordinator, Amherst College

Amherst, MA, First Baptist Worship Team & Violin Player

Global, Educational and Leadership Consultant - Project Coordinator, Crimson Education

Amherst, MA, Choreographer and Dancer: Bellydance, Hip Hop, Country, Amherst Dance - Amherst College

Amherst, MA Performer: Belly dance, Student Arts Showcase, Student Arts Museum - Amherst College

Amherst, MA Performer: Belly dance, International Study Abroad Event - Amherst College

Amherst, MA Team Member and Content / Campaign Creator and Manager on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, AmherstSays

Global, Contributing Writer, The Odyssey Online


Amherst, MA Media Intern, Amherst Media

Amherst, MA Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Amherst: Senior Editor, Social Media, Budget, Events - Her Campus Amherst

Amherst, MA, Choreographer and Dancer: Bellydance, Hip Hop, Country, Amherst Dance - Amherst College

Santa Cruz, Guanacaste, Costa Rica Global Literacy Project Manager & Instructor, Beyond El Campo - LINK

Massachusetts, Independent Professional Cuddler - Cuddle Therapy, Cuddle Comfort | LINK

Global Brand Influencer, Her Campus Trendsetters

Global Brand Ambassador, Sand Cloud

Global Brand Ambassador, Be Tree Lyfe

Global Brand Ambassador, Pura Vida

Global Brand Ambassador, Just Strong

Global Brand Ambassador, Creations for a Cause

Global Brand Ambassador, Panda Paw

Host, Under Construction


Florence, MA Author, Myth of the Self Made

Amherst, MA Reunion Bartender, Amherst College

Amherst, MA Project Manager & Japanese-English Cultural Exchange Mentor, GPI US

Amherst, MA Mentor and House Lead, US Performing Arts Camp

Amherst, MA, Global  Independent Personal Trainer / Wellness Coach, Abre Dance Fitness & Wellness

Amherst, MA, Choreographer and Dancer: Bellydance, Hip Hop, Country, Amherst Dance - Amherst College

Amherst, MA, Project Manager & Spanish - English Cultural Exchange Mentor, ITD

Amherst, MA Farmer, Book and Plow Farm

Hadley, MA Server, Pulse Cafe

National Brand Ambassador, Afri(k)que

Peer Support Advocate, Afiya Peer Respite

Special Ed Paraprofessional, HEC Academy, Collab for Educational Services

Youth Engagement Specialist, Self/Dial Americorp, Northampton High School

Project / Client Coordinator & Admissions Associate, Academy Hill School


Partnership, Desiree Talley Law, PLLC


Ms. Massachusetts 2019 AWOS

Founder: First Ladies of Poverty Foundation

Participated in Miss Western Massachusetts

Author: You Are Your Greatest Asset

Co-Chair, Strategic Development and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, SCORE WesternMass


Valley Venture Mentors, Springfield, MA

Make - It - Springfield, Springfield, MA


Chicopee, MA Author, You Are Your Greatest Asset

Chicopee, MA Career Development Consultant (Interview, Resumes, etc.), FLP Foundation


Springfield, MA Operations Manager: Snapchef Springfield


Springfield, MA Creative Director / Hostess / International Women’s Advocate: Valeur D’une Femme

Springfield, MA Creative Director / Instructor: School of Joie

Springfield, MA Author, Valeur D’une Femme Vol I: Value of a Woman (July 2022)

Springfield, MA Author, Valeur D’une Femme Vol II: Sawngs of Sunshine (July 2022)

Springfield, MA Founder / CEO / Director of Operations & Wealth Education Consultant, First Ladies of Poverty Foundation

Enfield, CT Property Manager & Leasing Consultant, MCR Property Management

Holyoke, MA Temp Admin Assistant - Student Affairs, Holyoke College

Springfield, MA Temp Admin Assistant - Pioneer Valley Planning Commission

CURRENT (as of 2022): 

Springfield, MA Creative Director / Hostess / International Women’s Advocate: Valeur D’une Femme

Springfield, MA Creative Director / Instructor: School of Joie

Springfield, MA Author, Valeur D’une Femme Vol I: Value of a Woman (July 2022)

Springfield, MA Author, Valeur D’une Femme Vol II: Sawngs of Sunshine (July 2022)

Springfield, MA Author, Valeur D’une Femme Vol III: A Guide to Elegance

Springfield, MA Author, Valeur D’une Femme Vol IV: Spotting the High Value Man

Springfield, M

National Ambassador for Afri(k)que



Raqs Sharqi, Raqs Baladi, Chakacha (also known as Danza du ventre or ‘bellydance’ in the Western world), is an ancient movement practice originating in North Africa, primarily as a celebration of feminine energy and grace as opposed to a mystical entertainment experience. It also has been a multi-generational (can be done by those of all ages and stages of life) source of healing and healthcare for women and men around the world with little known health benefits that include: boosting self-confidence and self-esteem, relieving physical pain and PMS, increasing an organic and natural consciousness and awareness of the health and well-being of one’s own body and spirit, toning muscle, improving posture, relieving back and joint pains, losing weight and aiding in preparation for childbirth. This movement form serves as a forgotten method of meditation, physical movement and low impact workout for all ages. 
I have also taught and performed African Dance, Liturgical, Latin/Salsa, Hip Hop, Modern & Contemporary, Lyrical and more. 
Specialities: Body Confidence, Styling and Musicality | Business Inquiries: helloshatoyia@gmail.com



    Hello ልዕልት Le’elt / Leult Kingdom Women and the Kingdom Men that protect, provide for, honor and cherish us (and whom we love, honor and respect in return). I am Shatoyia Jones, an adventure seeking, memories creating and passionate woman of excellence, child of Yahweh, disciple-in-training of Christ, Louisiana native now living in MA.  I have a love for unadulterated and wholesome love, self-mastery and self-respect, travel, social dancing, eating good food, karaoke, meaningful conversations, social dancing, making my home feel like home in my free time.
      Professionally, I aim to make the world a better place by empowering our women to understand their value and present themselves accordingly to access and maximize social and professional opportunities for a higher quality of life. I also do what I can to make educational and workforce development training accessible to reduce poverty and increase individual and communal wealth.